目前分類:中譯英 (6)

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作詞:陳靜楠 作曲:方文良 編曲:安棟

I remember there was a blue seashell
it's singing a love song whitch said that
you're mine and I'm yours
but no one can actually remembere

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作詞:姚若龍 作曲:Rich Mullin 編曲:洪敬堯
演唱:邰正宵 英譯:冠潔

你來自荒漠北方 我來自蒼海的南方(明天的香格里拉)
you came from the north of desert, I'm from the south of the ocean
(Tomorrow will be our Shangri-La)
in a rainny day we met on the journey, trying not to show our weakness
(Tomorrow will be our Shangri-La)

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詞:黃桂蘭 曲:邰正宵
演唱:邰正宵 英文譯詞:冠潔

這世界彷彿轉得太匆促 總感覺跟不上腳步
The world seems to busy to fit in
用忙碌掩飾我心慌無助 深怕什麼都不足
I cover up my flurry with busy, wandered I can never be good enough

那夢想已經慢慢記不住 日子越過就越含糊

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  • Jul 07 Sat 2007 01:42
  • Flying

詞:桂樺 (姚可傑) 曲:桂樺 (姚可傑) 
製作人:搖滾東方樂團(Rock O.E) 編曲:楊振華
snow of tears falling in my heart
my wings were froze to broken
I was trapped in love for you
in the corner of the coldest winter
holding your promise
norther can't blow my minds away
hope burns into fire

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詞:桂樺 曲:桂樺 
製作人:搖滾東方樂團(Rock O.E) 編曲:楊振華

淚落在心裡成了雪 折斷了我的翅膀
snow of tears falling in my heart, my wings were froze to broken
脫不掉愛做成的繭 困在最冬天的角落
I was trapped in love for you, in the corner of the coldest winter
holding your promise

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詞:桂樺 曲:楊振華 
製作人:搖滾東方樂團(Rock O.E) 編曲:楊振華

修補了我的傷口 讓我忘了痛
You fixed my heart, let me forget all of the pain
以為你完成了我 有了欠你的理由
thought you have me finished, thought I owed you since then

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