詞:黃桂蘭 曲:邰正宵
演唱:邰正宵 英文譯詞:冠潔
這世界彷彿轉得太匆促 總感覺跟不上腳步
The world seems to busy to fit in
用忙碌掩飾我心慌無助 深怕什麼都不足
I cover up my flurry with busy, wandered I can never be good enough
那夢想已經慢慢記不住 日子越過就越含糊
I can hardly remember my dream, life just passed by
來來去去沒有人會注目 我是可有可無的小人物
I come and go without any noticed, I'm just a nobody
我不曾明白我能飛舞 我不曾明白我很特殊
I didn't think that I can fly without wings. I didn't realize that I'm uniqu
任自己走得好盲目 直到遇見妳 我才看清楚
I was blind befor I met you
手指頭絕對僅有的紋路 早表明每個人不同
everyone has their own print, there's no duplication
上帝個別又精心的設計 我是獨一無二的人物
It's the very special design of God, telling that I'm somebody
你讓我明白我不重複 你讓我明白我很特殊
You let me realized that I'm the only one, you make me realized that I'm uniqu
只要我呼吸著 活著 在世上必有美好的用途
I'm breathing, I'm living, there must be a place for me
你讓我明白我多豐富 你讓我明白我很特殊
You make me realized that I'm complete, you make me realized that I'm uniqu
我相信你永遠在乎 為我的一生 畫美好的藍圖
I believe that you will always care, 'cause you have a blue print on me
I'm Uniqu
- Jan 16 Fri 2009 01:59