written by adams/kenndy/rabin ©2006

can you lay your life down so a stranger can live
你是否願意用自己 換取陌生人的生命
can you take what you need, but take less than you give
你是否願意付出 遠超過你的義務
could you close every day without the glory and fame
屏除所有榮耀的光環 你是否活得問心無愧
could you hold you head high when no one knows your name
若你沒沒無聞 是否仍然能夠以自己為榮
that's how legends are made - at least that's what they say
這樣才能造就傳奇 至少人們如此深信

we say goodbye - but never let go
我們道別 卻不放手
we live we die - cuz you can't save every soul
生死難免 畢竟能力有限
gotta take every chance
to show that you're the kinda of man who
will never look back - never look down
不沉溺悔恨 不忘記謙卑
and never let go

can you lose everything you ever had planned
當環境變遷 你是否能放棄一切
can you sit down again and play another hand
could you risk everything for the chance of being alone
你願意賭上一切 為了爭取下一個機會
under pressure find the grace - or would you come undone
獨自承受龐大的壓力 或者你會放棄
that's how legends are made - at least that's what they say
這樣才能造就傳奇 至少人們如此深信

we say goodbye - but never let go
我們道別 卻不放手
we live we die - cuz you can't save every soul
生死難免 畢竟能力有限
gotta take every chance
to show that you're the kinda of man who
will never look back - never look down
不沉溺悔恨 不忘記謙卑
and never let go

    Bryan Adams

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